Lyfes Lyrics

My Lyfestyle Through Lyrics

Moments Between Music: Afterthought


As hard as I’m trying at this moment not to have a tone of disappointment and anger, I’m struggling more now to put words together because of my mood. I, of all people, know full well that my thoughts effect my feelings which then put out energy that will come back to me the same way I put it out. So I’m trying to blog this post real quick so I can change my thoughts, feelings and mood to a more positive and loving energy. But I wanted to share these quick raw emotions because there are people, particularly women, who can probably relate.

If there’s one thing a woman hates, it’s being treated like an afterthought. Yes, an afterthought. I understand that there are worse things in life a woman could hate, but lately I’ve been feeling like an afterthought so I felt like blogging about that. So sue me.

Anyone can compliment me, but if it’s not from the one who has my thoughts and heart, I feel slighted.


Anyone can text me, but if it’s not from the one I really am expecting it from, I get a little irritable, especially if my texts are ignored.

Anyone can call me, but if the voice on the other end is not the one I want to hear, what’s the point? (I hate leaving voicemails. If I leave one and I don’t get a call back, you better believe I’m beyond annoyed),

Anyone can praise me for my writing,
but if it’s not from the one I am writing about or thinking about, then I have my days where I think: I quit!

Anyone can say anything, do anything to make me feel special, but when all I want is acknowledgement from my love and it’s nowhere in sight, I get a bit pissy.

In each of these situations I’ve felt like an afterthought because I’ve felt (and still feel) like I make every effort to acknowledge, honor and treat others as I would want to be acknowledged, honored and treated. When it’s not reciprocated… HELL YEAH I’ll feel like I’m an AFTERTHOUGHT and then some.

That being said, this post is dedicated to those of you who have been feeling like an afterthought. The fact that I’m blogging about this topic is evidence in it of itself that YOU ARE NOT AN AFTERTHOUGHT.

(okay, less pissivity and more POSITIVITY my loves)

How can you make your boo feel more special? Are you making every effort to avoid making your boo feel like an afterthought? If you’re feeling like an afterthought, how have you communicated that to your boo?

Until next post,




4 comments on “Moments Between Music: Afterthought

  1. vkp. (@CoachPow)
    November 16, 2011

    Aww sis, I do hope for more in the whole “process,” always remember to never tolerate what you don’t deserve 😉 But as for your question about how do we make our loves feel “special?” well I may have a few suggestions (esp. since I am in a LDR) *ahem*

    If you know it’s been awhile since you’ve shown some affection…

    – Make a short video that you can text em saying how much you love ’em and think of ’em all the time. (Ladies, adding a kiss makes it cute too!)
    – Write them a short funny poem about your relationship (reminisce about good memories and insiders you have as a couple)
    – Send them a letter via airmail without telling them (It may take a little longer than a text or message on FB but a great keepsake!)
    – Make a cute slideshow/collage with pictures, quotes and inside jokes! (Coming from a man to his lady will have her in awe!)

    I honestly feel like if you make sure you are communicating then everything will fall into place than again if you find that you’re the only one reaching out and making the effort, reconsider and reevaluate your relationship. Hope that shed some light 😉


    • LyfesLyfe
      November 16, 2011

      Thank you! 🙂 Many people think a text, call or even an email is enough, but with technology these days we have numerous ways of communicating with one another. I hope my readers see your comment and take that into consideration.

      Thanks again!



  2. Teinetoa4lyphe
    November 22, 2011

    great ideas shared on how to show our luv and communicate! *sighs* Lia girl, makin’ me wish I had someone to share stuff with…lol! have a great day uso!



    • LyfesLyfe
      November 23, 2011

      Hi sis! Awwwwww Someone will find you soon and the sharing will make life all the more merrier 🙂



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